The giveaways for The Challenge will follow the usual "post comment/win randomly" system used in most other Grey Ops giveaways (like the one we're running right now with Tactical-Mod Industries for a Tacamo Magazine-Fed Conversion Kit). No donation is necessary to win, and you can just swoop in, post your one comment in the comments section, and wait to see if you win.
However, the 10k Challenge giveaways differ from the norm in that if you donate $5.00 or more to Patricia's fundraising page for the LLSC, you get to comment TWICE in the comment section for the giveaway. This of course means it's twice as likely that the random number generator Connor uses for contests will choose your name/comment as the winner. This is a personal thank-you from Connor and I, for helping us support Patricia in her fundraising for blood cancer treatment!
It's important for me to distinguish that this is NOT a raffle. It's not like $5.00 gets you 1 extra chance, and $25.00 gets you 5 extra chances. ANY amount donated will still only allow you to comment one extra time. PayPal is one of the options for making a donation, and one of PayPal's rules is that their system can't be used for any sort of online lottery or contest. For this reason we can't run the giveaways raffle-style. I know this seems like it encourages tiny $5.00 donations only, but we want to give back to you guys for helping out (even in a small way), while still abiding by PayPal's rules.
Of course, if you want to donate more than 5 bucks, we encourage you to do so. For any donation of $25.00 or more, LLSC will issue you a receipt for tax purposes (for Canadian donors), meaning you get a nice credit at tax time next year. A lot of you reading this probably already donate a lot to charity yearly for this purpose, and we'd be ecstatic if you could divert some of that cash to LLSC instead. Then again, if you're going to donate big bucks to the effort, why not place a nice high bid on the brand new SP8 Tactical Paintball Marker I'm auctioning off for the cause on eBay? Since the proceeds are going to the LLSC, a Canadian winner could write off the entire winning auction amount at tax time too!
Ok, now down to brass tacks. Here are the steps you'll need to follow to benefit from this additional entry/comment:
Head to Patricia's Team in Training page for LLSC fundraising, and follow instructions for making donations. Donations of $25.00 and up are encouraged on the page, but if you want to make a smaller donation, choose "other" and type in the amount:
Once you've made your payment, e-mail me at mike (at) identifying yourself, and what nickname you'll be going by on your comments. This is the only way I've figured out to verify a donation was made by someone, but don't worry - your real name will be kept strictly confidential!
Once you've sent me the info, go ahead and post twice in the Comments section of the giveaway page. And you're done!
Just to clarify: If you make even one donation at any time this week, you can comment/enter twice on ALL of the giveaway posts in this series.
Good luck to everyone, and to those that donate to help find a cure, THANK YOU!