Do you consider yourself a charitable person? Could you stand to get in better shape for the coming Paintball season?
And do you like winning free Paintball gear? If you answered "YES" to all of the above, read on! Connor and myself are throwing down the challenge to our readers -
The Grey Ops 10k Challenge, that is!
The idea of the Grey Ops 10k Challenge is this: We challenge all of our readers under 30 years of age to run 10km (about 6.2 miles, for our U.S. readers) on Saturday, May 28th! We challenge our readers 35 and over to run a lesser 5km/3.1 miles on that date (we understand the need to take it easy on the old-timers). In fact, on May 28th organized runs are taking place in cities all across North America, with the goal of raising money for cancer research and awareness. Why not take part in one of those in YOUR city, as part of the Challenge?
Connor and I will of course be running a 10k in Ottawa that day, putting rubber to the road! And while Connor's running because I blackmailed him with some pics of him drunk, my own motive is to support my fiancee Patricia. She's running a half-marathon on May 29th, all in the name of raising money for blood cancer research through an organization called
Team in Training. Patricia's mother was diagnosed with a blood cancer called
Multiple Myeloma in 2008, and managed to beat it into remission thanks to willpower, family support, and some high-tech treatments that cost a fortune to research and develop. Patricia's goal is to raise $4000 for the
Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of Canada (LLSC), so that they can continue this life-saving research into new treatments. She's at about the $3400 mark as I write this, and we'd like to enlist your help to get her that last little bit to her goal!

"But Mike!" you say. "You got my attention earlier when you said the magic words
free Paintball gear. Now you're talking about me giving money away instead. What about the giveaways?"