Tuesday, February 15, 2011


WTFPB is one of if not the most innovative custom paintball gear manufacturers today (imo), with a coolness factor and construction quality to match. They are unique in their inventive paintball soft gear solutions, and in the excellent range of patterns they offer for their gear. Among those patterns is the very sought after and popular CADPAT (and they were in fact the first company to offer custom CADPAT paintball products), so I'm sure many of you would be very interested in winning a free custom made MOLLE CADPAT vest!

Here's what you get:
  • 1 Hoplite vest (you've got to check this vest out, it's awesome)
  • 1 CADPAT admin pouch
  • 3 CADPAT 100 round pod pouches
  • 1 CADPAT battleswab pouch
  • 1 CADPAT GP pouch
  • 1 CADPAT medium dump pouch

You don't even need CADPAT gear to want this, it's an entire CADPAT system in and of itself. You've heard enough, down to business:

How to win:
  1. Become a fan of WTFPB on Facebook
  2. Comment on this post (in the form below) saying, "WTFPB rocks!"
  3. Profit (that was easy eh?)
Contest rules:
  1. The winner will be chosen at random using a random number generator (random.org), and contacted via the email address they used to comment (so use a valid email address that you check often).
  2. Contest is over exactly one week from posting.
  3. Winner will be announced shortly thereafter
  4. The winner will receive everything listed above shipped to their door.
  5. Keep the comments only to entries please, anything else will be deleted.
  6. Contest only open to those living in Canada and the continental United States. 
  7. All entrants are encouraged to post a photo of their gear (or if they don't have gear, a photo of gear they wish to have) on the forum. As an alternative, please post a photo of the gear you receive via Grey Ops on the forum for everyone to see! Sharing is caring.