Dear readers,
I've never closed a thread for comments before on Grey Ops. That's because I strongly believe that everyone has a right to post comments here. I don't moderate comments, and every comment that Disqus decides isn't spam is automatically and immediately posted. However, because some incessant fanboys couldn't stop beating a seriously dead horse in a pestering circle jerk fashion, the comments for this thread are now closed. You can read the comment section to understand my frustration. If you have an issue with this decision, you can email me here, but you should probably check with your mommy first (because if you're that juvenile you probably shouldn't be using a computer by yourself).
Ottawa is home to a new paintball pro shop, Paintball Paradise. For those of us in the west end, it's a godsend, especially given how the city just lost the PSI Indoor pro shop. The location is great, the store well stocked and the staff very friendly. You can even find a great selection of shirts from Deadbox Before Dishonor, an Ottawa based paintball apparel company.
I picked up some goodies that I'll play around with/do some reviews on in the next little while:
The Pro Shop is part of a the larger Paintball Paradise franchise, which extends to their relatively new outdoor field in Bryson, QC (that I hope to get out to next season). Stop by and say hi, you won't be disappointed!
Here's all the contact info:
Paintball Paradise
130 Robertson Road
Ottawa, ON
(613) 244-1645