Thursday, August 5, 2010

ITS Camouflage Comparison Part 2

The guys at ITS tactical have done the leg work, now they need all of you to help pick out the best camouflage pattern out there. In part 2 of their Camouflage Comparison Series, you'll see the following patterns looked at:
  • Crye MultiCam
  • Bulldog Tactical Mirage Camo
  • Digital Concealment Systems A-TACS
  • Hyde Definition PenCott GreenZone
  • Desert MARPAT (Desert Digital)
  • Woodland MARPAT
  • SAF Digital (Singapore)
  • UCP (ACU)
  • 3-Color Desert Camo (DCU)
  • Chocolate Chip Desert Camo
  • Desert Tiger Stripe
  • Japanese Flecktarn
The very nature of physical camouflage makes it pretty difficult to test with any kind of accuracy, but ITS definitely does its best to use firm and reproducible methods that contribute to a well executed test.