Paintball gear is generally pretty sturdy and built to last. Markers and tanks are built to take a pounding from high pressures, while Paintball apparel and Milsim accessories are usually pretty rugged and made to stand up to slides, dives, and lots of kneeling behind cover. With this in mind, members of the No Money Nation may be tempted to buy second-hand paintball gear to equip themselves. But before you lay down your hard-earned cash for used gear, there are a number of things to consider.
First, before jumping at an opportunity to buy something second-hand, it's important that the seller accurately describe the items he's selling, with no hidden secrets about it. The manufacturer's own ad copy already goes into detail about how great the product is, but an honest seller will tell you if there's a problem with the one he's selling, whether that problem is a scratch, a busted O-ring, or the need for a new ASA. If there's an issue that needs to be fixed, you can often subtract the cost of the replacement part PLUS extra for the hassle and tech work you'll have to do to bring the item up to working condition.
Next, it's important for price-haggling reasons to know WHY the seller is trying to offload his gear!
Types of SellersThe DeserterThis seller is getting out of the game, and you can usually get the best deals from him. The Deserter is usually a noob who played paintball once or twice, bought a full set of gear, then just couldn't find the time to play after that. He thinks it was a bad decision and just wants to recoup some of his cash. Or it may be a hardcore player whose wife just gave birth to triplets and he needs quick cash, or who suffered an injury and decided that the adrenaline rush of Paintball just isn't worth another ACL reconstruction. And occasionally, someone with little or no interest in Paintball will get a marker for Christmas or his birthday, and he wants to sell it for some cash to buy the gift he REALLY wanted.
The Deserter's asking price is usually highly negotiable, and he wants to sell his stuff "yesterday" so he can get access to some quick cash and move on with his life.